Welcome and thank you for taking the time to view the web page of the Church of St. Michael of Beaumont, Texas. St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church is a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (www.antiochian.org) based in Englewood, NJ. Please take a moment to read about the History of our Church. The Archdiocese is a part of the patriarchate of Antioch, which was founded by the Apostles Peter and Paul (Acts 11:26). It was in Antioch that the followers of Christ were first called Christians. Recently, due to the tremendous growth of our Archdiocese in the United States and Canada, we are now under the jurisdiction of our Father and Bishop Basil. Like all Orthodox Christians, the life of this parish is focused on prayers, fasting, and charity (Christian Love). Everything we do, we do to glorify our God. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, we also say “we are here to serve not to be served”. This past year, our archdiocese, under the able leadership of our Metropolitan Philip sought and gained autonomy from the Antiochian Patriarchate. Although our ties remain very deep with our mother church, this God protected archdiocese is now an American church serving American faithful. The services are conducted overwhelming in English. St. Michael Church is an American as well as a pan-Orthodox church, which welcomes all nationalities in the Heart Land of America! Our ethnic diversity includes Middle Eastern, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, and Romanian backgrounds. We are also blessed with an increasingly large and very committed number of non-ethic converts. It is a youthful and dynamic community, which prays and socializes together. Sunday’s Divine Liturgy begins at 10 AM and last approximately an hour and 20 minutes. After the Liturgy on Sunday, it is our custom to have coffee hour in the hall of the church where all our families and guests are encouraged to share in fellowship. Great Vespers are celebrated at 6 PM Saturdays -- an excellent serene and peaceful way to close the week. The Church Office is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM except on holidays. You can contact the office by phone at (409) 838-4951 or (409) 892-3166 (messages may be left 24-hours a day). Enjoy our New Website! I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and grant you all holiness and life everlasting. With fatherly love, V. Rev.Fr. Michael, Pastor